Tuesday, 22 June 2021

The Physic Garden


I planned out what would go in the Physic Garden, last year. The list was a long one

Comfrey - My gardener warned me not to plant.

St John's Wort - Not plante


Winter Savoury


Feverfew - already there, self seeding


Violets - already there and spreading

Valerian - couldn't find any

Bronze Fennel

Green Fenne

Digitalis - none survived

Lemon Verbena - survived the winter, despite the frosts

Lemon Balm





When I returned from my latest trip, I took photos of the Physic plot again. Lots had grown after the sun and rain we'd had.

The green fennel is doing very well, as are the violets and feverfew. None of the Digitalis survived planting - probably incorrect soil and aspect. I'm going to try them again under the trees where the soil is richer.

The bronze fennel has survived, but is not nearly as large as its green cousin.

I thought I had planted winter savoury here, but the yellow flowers tell me it's not. I have to admit to not keeping a diary of what I added after the initial planting session in early summer last year. 

My memory tells me I was tempted by some Evening Primrose late in the season, when I couldn't find any non-invasive St John's Wort. Whatever it is, it has very pretty yellow flowers, so earns its place.

The banned comfrey managed to seed itself without my knowing, almost in the place I had planned. 

In front, I'd planted 

Thyme and Oregano, both of which survived.

All the labels that came with the plants, have disappeared in the storms, so I'm relying on my gardener to identify and re-label them. I think the labels will need tying to the plants, although most die down in the winter, leaving nothing to which labels can be attached.

There are  other plants I can't identify and others that I know I planted, such as Vervain, and Lemon Balm. The Lemon Verbena is easily identified by its wonderfully strong lemon scent.

I'm really pleased with the Physic Garden. I know there are some vigorous, spreading plants that will need pruning before they set seed. I'm grateful for the rogue comfrey and know it makes great plant food, but I don't think I can devote enough space for it to do that.

I even have access to Red Valerian, although it has self-seeded at the other end of the border and will need transplanting before it seeds there.

The planning and planting proved relatively easy. Now the hard work of managing the patch begins in earnest.

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